Friday 30 December 2011

Tentang Gerbil Lagi

~semalam puas dok meluncur di laman sesawang...terjumpalah sesuatu dalam web nih...
~ banyak juga info pasal gerbil nih. paling utama pasal Mongolian Gerbil lah...kegiloaan sy tu...jom kita review ckit pasal nih :-

Scientific Name: Meriones unguiculatus 
Length: 12 - 14 cms (4.7 - 5.5 inches)
Tail: 8 - 10 cms (3.1 - 3.9 inches) 
Life Span: 3 - 5 Years

~Mongolian Gerbils are often referred to as Desert Rats or Mongolian Jirds, although the Mongolian Jird is actually a separate species but the two are often confused. They are native to the semi-deserts and steppes of Mongolia and they are the most popular species of gerbil to be kept as a pet.

~They were first brought to the USA by Dr. Victor Schwentker for use in research in 1954, after which they were introduced to the pet industry. They were brought to the UK in 1964 and they now feature in pet shops throughout Europe and the USA.

~Due to selective breeding, there are over twenty different coat colours and patterns found on gerbils available as pets, but in the wild only golden agouti gerbils exist. Some of these colours include black, lilac, dove, sapphire, pink-eyed white, burmese, slate, ivory cream, grey agouti, nutmeg, silver nutmeg, siamese, polar fox, dark-eyed honey, red-eyed honey, saffron, and schimmel. 

~They are very social animals so they thrive when kept together in pairs or small groups. An ideal pairing would be two males or two females from the same litter, although those from different litters can accept each other if carefully introduced at an early age. When a gerbil reaches maturity it is very difficult to get them to accept a new companion, so it is vital to introduce them early. 

~Gerbils make ideal pets as they are non-aggressive, inquisitive and they rarely bite. They are confident animals so they usually accept being handled and they love to explore new environments. 

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